Matt Bonner

A través de nuestra agente especial Elena Herrero, especialista en asuntos de diseño y afincada en la capital del mundo (Londres), hemos conocido el trabajo del diseñador Matt Bonner, ganador del concurso de carteles del Festival de Cine Latino de San Diego-CA.

El trabajo de este personaje nos gusta muchísimo y mas aun cuando nos enteramos de su primer premio (¡¡sobre 180 competidores!!) para anunciar un evento cultural de tal importancia en la costa oeste americana.

Transcribimos la explicación del diseño con sus propias palabras en el inglés original:

"...The design was chosen from over 180 submissions for the festival's poster design competition. It was a great opportunity to combine my love of graphic art with my interest in film. I knew I wanted to conjure up that fiery passionate Latin spirit (!) which is where the fire and love imagery and colour scheme came from.

I also wanted to give the poster a retro feel, almost homemade, in homage to independent cinema, which is where the idea for the vintage camera and film reel came from. I am a huge fan of New Latin Cinema, particularly from Mexico, so its an honour to have my work used to promote it. (...)"